BCVR | The 4th JCS Council Forum on Basic CardioVascular Research

Call for Abstracts

[IMPORTANT] Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

The first author and co-authors are all required to disclose their Conflicts of Interest (COI) when submitting abstracts. Co-authors who failed to disclose the status of COI will be excluded from the author list in their abstracts.

Please refer to the "COI Disclosure" page for more informations.

Abstract Submission Period

Abstract Submission has closed.

We deeply appreciate for Submitting Abstracts.

Presentation style & Requirements

Regular presentations consist of following two sessions:

Award Session (Oral Presentation)

We invite submissions of abstracts for Award Session. Presenters for this session will be selected through the careful selection process.

Those whose submissions have not selected for Award Session will be presenters of poster session.

Only JCS members can submit abstracts for Award Session.

Poster Session

Nonmember can submit abstracts for Poster Session as well as JCS members.

Award Session (Oral Presentation)

Presenters for Award Session will be selected from those who have submitted abstracts for the Award Session.

Awardees will be selected during the session and receive supplemental prizes.

  • Best Award JPY 200,000 / one person
  • Excellent Award JPY 150,000 / one person
  • Encouragement Award JPY 100,000 / three-person

If you wish to apply for the Award Session, you are required to enter your membership number in the abstract submission process. If you don't know your number, please contact JCS Secretariat.

The Japanese Circulation Society Secretariat

TEL: +81(0)3-5501-0864

E-mail: jcs-bcvr@j-circ.or.jp

Poster Award

Poster Award has been canceled.

Abstract Submission

How to submit abstracts

Submit abstracts through the online submission system.

A title, names of authors and affiliations and abstract body will be printed in the meeting program as you input to the submission system.


Abstracts must be submitted in English. Presentations also must be delivered in English.

Length of Abstract Body

The length of an abstract body should be 260 words or less excluding title and names of authors and affiliations. No figures can be included.

View / Modify

You can view and modify submitted abstracts during the submission period.

Presentation Categories

  1. Angiogenesis
  2. Atherosclerosis/Thromboembolism
  3. Aging
  4. Aortopathies/Vasculopathies
  5. Arrhythmia
  6. Autonomic Nervous System
  7. Autophagy and Cell Death
  8. Calcium Handling and Sarcomere
  9. Cardiac Hypertrophy and Function
  10. Cardiac Metabolism
  11. Cardiomyopathy
  12. Development and Differentiation/Regeneration
  13. Diabetes/Metabolic Syndrome/Lipid Disorders
  14. Drug Discovery/Translational Research
  15. Gene Therapy/Cell Therapy
  16. Genetics and Epigenetics/Omic Technologies
  17. Heart Failures
  18. Hypertension/Kidney/Interorgan Communication Network
  19. Inflammation and Fibrosis
  20. Ion Channels and Arrhythmia
  21. iPS/Tissue Engineering/Regeneration
  22. Mitochondria/Organelles
  23. Oxidative Stress and Ischemia
  24. Protein Structure and Function
  25. Pulmonary Hypertension
  26. Receptor Biology/Intracellular Signaling
  27. Transcription and RNA Biology
  28. Vascular biology
  29. Others

[IMPORTANT] Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Under a common policy concerning conflict of interest (hereinafter "COI") in clinical research and regulations concerning COI Policy in Clinical Research, all presenters and co-presenters are required to self-disclose any COI status including the COI status of the presenter's spouse (partner), immediate family (first of kin), or those who are residing in the presenter's household, and must describe the related commercial entities, foundation organizations, and any other groups related to the clinical research which aim to derive profit within the preceding year.

More details are available at "COI" page. Presenters shall disclose applicable COI status at the begging of the slide presentation (or on a slide following the slide showing the title of presentation and name of presenters), or at the end of a poster.

Abstract Submission Page

Important Notes


We can accept withdrawals of submitted abstracts if we receive withdrawal requests from authors by July 27, 2020, which two months before the meeting. After July 28 , 2020, we cannot accept any withdrawal requests and submitted abstracts will be regarded as presentation records.


The president of the forum delegates reviewers. They review all submitted abstracts and decide.

Notification of Acceptance

Reviewing results will be informed by email in mid August.

Inquiries on Abstract Submission

Congress Secretariat:

The 4th JCS Council Forum on Basic CardioVascular Research

c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.

Nagoya Convention Hall

4-60-12 Hiraike-chou, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 453-6102, Japan

TEL: +81-52-433-1011 FAX: +81-52-433-1489

E-mail: bcvr2020@c-linkage.co.jp