APOTC.2024 8th Sapporo japan

Abstract Submission & Workshop Application

Abstract Submission

Call for Papers

The 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (APOTC2024) will offer an exceptional opportunity to meet with experts and colleagues from around the globe, share innovations, ideas and experiences, and discuss implications across occupational therapy research, practice, education, leadership and management with vision of “Empowering Collaborative Community: Sustainable and Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy”. The Scientific Program Committee invites occupational therapists to submit their abstracts. We look forward to welcoming you to Sapporo, Japan.

Please read all the guidelines and information below to ensure you meet the specified criteria.

I. Requirements

  • The first author (presenter) must be a participant of APOTC 2024. Full-Day (= Four days) Congress registration (Early Bird) must be done online by July 31, 2024 (JST). Once the registration fee has been paid, it is non-refundable.
  • The first author (presenter) must have an occupational therapist license. Students without an occupational therapist license are not allowed to submit an abstract.
  • If the first author (presenter) has a Japanese occupational therapy license, he/she must be a member of Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists (JAOT) and is required to complete the payment of JAOT membership fee for 2023 at least two weeks before abstract submission.
  • The language of the abstract/presentation must be English.


  • Ensure all authors are aware of, and agree with the abstract details.

II. Abstract Submission Period

May 2023 - November 30 (Thu), 2023. January 5 (Fri), 2024 (JST).
Abstract Submission has been closed. Thank you for your submission!

III. Abstract Submission General Information

1. Presentation Type

Please choose your preferred types of presentation:

  1. Congress Theme Session
    Congress Theme Session is focusing on case report and practice report on specific theme. It will be a great opportunity to learn and share how occupational therapy is practiced in other Asia Pacific regions. There will be 9 Congress Theme Session each on the following theme: Community development, Professional development, Transition to community, Ageing in place, Children and family, Technology and Occupational Therapy, Evidence based practice, Inclusive workplaces/vocational OT, Transdisciplinary research/practice. Each session (90 minutes) includes 4 presentations. Presentation is 15 minutes for each speaker, and 30 minutes of overall discussion will be held after all presentations.
  2. Oral Presentation
    We invite abstracts on a wide range of topics from case reports to research studies. Each session includes 6 presentations, and each presentation is 10 minutes followed by 3 minutes of discussion.
  3. Poster Presentation
    Printed poster will be held in the main hall to facilitate communication with occupational therapists around the Asian Pacific Regions. Presenter will be required to stand-by 30 minutes on the day of presentation.

*Please be advised that the Scientific Programme Committee will make the final decision on the type of presentations regardless of your preference.

2. Categories and Themes

Please select a category and a theme that best describes your submission. You may also select up to two alternative themes but it is not mandatory. These category and themes will be used by the Scientific Programme Committee to organize the sessions and programme.

  • Research
  • Practice
  • Education
  • Leadership and Management
  • Community development
  • Human rights/social inclusion
  • Professional development
  • Transition to community
  • Health promotion/population approach
  • Ageing in place
  • Children and family
  • Disaster management/Human displacement
  • Client perspectives and experiences
  • Technology and Occupational Therapy
  • Evidence based practice
  • Inclusive workplaces/vocational OT
  • Inclusive education/school
  • Mental health/wellbeing
  • Transdisciplinary research/practice
  • Occupational Science
  • OT theory/models
  • OT education
  • OT management
  • Leadership/advocacy
3. Submission
  • All submissions must be made via the online portal.
  • Title: Maximum of 50 words, including subtitle. The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly reflect the nature of your abstract.
  • Abstract: Maximum of 250 words. Abstracts exceeding the word limit will not be accepted. The abstract should not repeat the title, authors and affiliations (abstracts will be blind reviewed).
  • APOTC 2024 requires a structured abstract organized under the following headings:
    • Introduction/Rationale
    • Objectives
    • Method or Approach
    • Results or Practice Implications
    • Conclusion
    *References are not required
    *Do not use tables or figures
    *Be sufficient with ethical consideration
4. Authors/Presenters

As the first author (presenter), only one abstract per person is allowed. Two or more abstracts may be submitted as co-presenters.

5. Author Approval

By submitting the abstract, you confirm that the submission has been approved by all authors and you give permission to publish your abstract in all congress materials (includes proceeding in print, website, app and social media).

6. Secondary use and copyright

Secondary use and copyright of abstracts belong to APOTC2024.

7. Abstract Reviews

Each abstract will be reviewed blind by two peer reviewers. The abstract will be accepted if both reviewers judge that the abstract meets the following 5 review criteria. The final decision will be made by the convenors and congress committee.

Review Criteria
Quality of content1) Participants and methods match with the aim and are specifically stated.
2) Results/progress are correctly presented and logically discussed.
Educational value3) Relevant to occupational therapy and/or congress theme.
4) Interest and appeal to an occupational therapy audience.
Quality of written abstract5) Coherent and readable.
8. Notification of Acceptance

Authors will receive the notification of acceptance in April-May 2024. Presenters need to pay Full-Day registration fee for the congress by the specified date. Failure to do so may result in the presentation being withdrawn from the program.

9. Withdrawing an Abstract

If you want to withdraw an abstract during the abstract submission period, please do so via abstract submission online portal. Once your abstract is accepted, you are not permitted to withdraw it.

IV. Contact Information

Secretariat for the 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (APOTC2024)
Email: abs-apotc2024@c-linkage.co.jp
Please include the following information in your email.

  • Name
  • Login ID of online portal (after the online portal opens)
  • Title of your abstract

Call for Student Papers

Please read all the guidelines and information below to ensure you meet the specified criteria.

I. Requirements

  • The first author (presenter) must be a participant of APOTC 2024. Full-Day (= Four days) Congress registration (Early Bird) must be done online by July 31, 2024 (JST). Once the registration fee has been paid, it is non-refundable.
  • The first author (presenter) must be a student without an occupational therapist license.
  • The language of the abstract/presentation must be English.
  • The presenters are required to have their abstract reviewed and approved by their faculty advisor and must include the professor/supervisor’s name and email address when submitting the abstract.


  • Ensure all authors are aware of, and agree with the abstract details
  • The type of presentation is poster only.

II. Abstract Submission Period

November 2023 – February 29 (Thu), 2024 (JST)

III. Abstract Submission General Information

1. Presentation Type

The type of presentation is poster only.
The poster room is in the Main Hall. Enjoy exchanging ideas with occupational therapists and students from Asia-Pacific region. Please stand in front of your poster for 30 minutes during the designated time to QA session.

2. Categories and Themes

Please select a category and a theme that best describes your submission. You may also select up to two alternative themes but it is not mandatory. These category and themes will be used by the Scientific Programme Committee to organize the sessions and programme.

  • Research
  • Practice
  • Education
  • Leadership and Management
  • Community development
  • Human rights/social inclusion
  • Professional development
  • Transition to community
  • Health promotion/population approach
  • Ageing in place
  • Children and family
  • Disaster management/Human displacement
  • Client perspectives and experiences
  • Technology and Occupational Therapy
  • Evidence based practice
  • Inclusive workplaces/vocational OT
  • Inclusive education/school
  • Mental health/wellbeing
  • Transdisciplinary research/practice
  • Occupational Science
  • OT theory/models
  • OT education
  • OT management
  • Leadership/advocacy
3. Submission
  • Please prepare your abstract based on the template and send it to the APOTC 2024 Secretariat for Program (abs-apotc2024@c-linkage.co.jp). Please be sure to include the following information in your email:
    1) Name of the first author (presenter)
    2) Affiliation of the first author
    3) Email address of the first author
    4) Country
    5) Name of your professor/supervisor
    6) Email address of your professor/supervisor
    7) Category
    8) Theme (max. 3 themes)
  • Title: Maximum of 50 words, including subtitle. The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly reflect the nature of your abstract.
  • Abstract: Maximum of 250 words. Abstracts exceeding the word limit will not be accepted. The abstract should not repeat the title, authors and affiliations (abstracts will be blind reviewed).
  • APOTC 2024 requires a structured abstract organized under the following headings:
    • Introduction/Rationale
    • Objectives
    • Method or Approach
    • Results or Practice Implications
    • Conclusion
    *References are not required
    *Do not use tables or figures
    *Be sufficient with ethical consideration
4. Authors/Presenters

As the first author (presenter), only one abstract per person is allowed. Two or more abstracts may be submitted as co-presenters.

5. Author Approval

By submitting the abstract, you confirm that the submission has been approved by all authors and you give permission to publish your abstract in all congress materials (includes proceeding in print, website, app and social media).

6. Secondary use and copyright

Secondary use and copyright of abstracts belong to APOTC2024.

7. Abstract Reviews

Each abstract will be reviewed blind by two peer reviewers. The abstract will be accepted if both reviewers judge that the abstract meets the following 5 review criteria. The final decision will be made by the convenors and congress committee.

Review Criteria
Quality of content1) Participants and methods match with the aim and are specifically stated.
2) Results/progress are correctly presented and logically discussed.
Educational value3) Relevant to occupational therapy and/or congress theme.
4) Interest and appeal to an occupational therapy audience.
Quality of written abstract5) Coherent and readable.
8. Notification of Acceptance

Authors will receive the notification of acceptance after April 2024. Presenters need to pay Full-Day registration fee for the congress by the specified date. If the first author graduates from a training school and is an occupational therapist at the time of the congress, he/she must register as an OT (JAOT Members, overseas Rates for high income economies, or Overseas Rates for low & middle income economies). Failure to do so may result in the presentation being withdrawn from the program.

9. Withdrawing an Abstract

If you want to withdraw an abstract during the abstract submission period, please contact the APOTC 2024 Secretariat (abs-apotc2024@c-linkage.co.jp). Once your abstract is accepted, you are not permitted to withdraw it.

IV. Contact Information

Secretariat for the 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (APOTC2024)
Email: abs-apotc2024@c-linkage.co.jp
Please include your information (name, affiliation, the date of abstract submission, and the title of abstract) in your email.

Call for APOTC2024 Precongress workshop

Precongress workshop is to be held on the day before the APOTC 2024 (Tuesday, November 5, 2024), and is a hands-on workshop in which congress participants from Japan and abroad can participate proactively. It is planned to be held face-to-face at the Sapporo Convention Center or a venue nearby (in Sapporo City). The Executive Committee will review the submitted abstract and the decision will be made around April 2023. Inquiries about the abstract content and the review result will be sent to the contact address you have submitted.

Thank you for your applications

Call for APOTC2024 Scientific workshop

Scientific workshop is a self-organized workshop to be held during APOTC2024 (November 6-9, 2024). We invite participants of APOTC2024 to submit a workshop proposal. Please refer to the following terms and conditions prior to your submission:

Thank you for your applications