
Instraction for Presentations


世界的に蔓延するCOVID-19感染症に罹患または、影響を受けられました皆様には心よりお見舞い申し上げます。2022年2月現在、日本政府の方針により、全ての国・地域からの外国人の新規入国の停止処置がとられております。日本とフランスの整形外科医の交流を目的とする本学会の開催に際して極めて厳しい状況となっておりますが、このような状況の中でも日仏の交流を続けることに学会開催の意義があると考えます。そこで、日本国内の参加者に対しては 、感染症対策を充分施行しながら奈良春日野国際フォーラムでの現地開催とし、学会会場とフランス側演者をWebで繋ぐことで学会開催を準備しております。








À tous

Nous tenons à exprimer toute notre sympathie à tous ceux qui ont été touchés par la pandémie de COVID-19. Cette situation est extrêmement difficile pour l'organisation de la conférence, qui vise à promouvoir les échanges entre les chirurgiens orthopédistes du Japon et de France. Nous pensons toujours que l'importance de l'organisation de la conférence réside dans la poursuite des échanges entre le Japon et la France malgré cette situation. C'est pourquoi nous nous préparons à organiser la conférence au Forum international IRAKA de Nara Kasugano, tout en prenant des mesures suffisantes contre les infections pour les participants du Japon. Pour les intervenants français la connection à la salle de conférence " Noh théâtre " se fera via Zoom.

La situation de la pandémie va continuer à évoluer. Nous poursuivrons les préparatifs de la conférence tout en réagissant aux changements de la situation. Veuillez consulter cette page web car tout changement concernant l'AFJO 2022 sera annoncé sur le site web.

Les inscriptions à la conférence peuvent être enregistrées dès maintenant sur ce site. N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire à partir de la page "Registration" du site.

On dit que les fleurs de cerisier ne deviennent belles qu'après le froid de l'hiver. Nous espérons, que les belles fleurs de l'échange orthopédique Japon-France, seront belles dans l'ancienne capitale Nara, après avoir surmonté les conditions sévères.

To Everyone

We are heartbroken by the news of the current worldwide outbreak of COVID-19. As of February 2022, the Japanese government continues to prohibit the entry of new foreign nationals from all countries and regions.

This situation is a major obstacle to holding of this conference, which aims to promote friendly cultural exchange between orthopedic surgeons in Japan and France. However, we believe that despite this situation, it is the true role of AFJO to continue the relationship between Japan and France.

After much consideration, we have decided to organize this AFJO in an unusual way. We are preparing to hold the conference in a hybrid style, in which participants in Japan will attend the conference on-site at the Nara Kasugano International Forum, and the conference sites in France and Japan will be connected via the web.

The situation of COVID-19 is still changing every moment. We will prepare for the AFJO 2022 conference by flexibly responding to future changes in the situation. In case we have to change the method of holding the conference, we would like to announce it on our website. In principle, registration for the conference will be accepted on this website. If you would like to participate, please register on the Registration page of the website.

It has been said in Japan since ancient times that cherry blossoms bloom beautifully after overcoming the cold winter. Overcoming the severe world situation, we will proceed with the preparations for the AFJO2022 conference. We hope that the cultural exchange between Japan and France will be in full bloom in the ancient city of Nara, just like the beautiful cherry blossoms.

To all presenters and chairman of the session

Due to the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, it is quite possible that some speakers may not be able to attend the conference. Therefore, we would like to receive the video data (MP4) with sound in advance before the conference. We will take responsibility for processing the video data as soon as the conference is over.

On the first day (April 4) and the second day (April 5), all symposia, educational and training lectures, and general presentations will be held in Room 1 (Noh theatre), and will be held in a hybrid style using on-site and Zoom. French speakers will be invited to participate in each session via Zoom and discuss with Japanese speakers. For both days, speakers and chairpersons of the general sessions will be able to participate via Zoom only in the relevant session. Of course, the conference will be held on-site, and we are looking forward to your participation. The third day (April 6) will only be held on-site at the second venue. We will not be holding the conference in Zoom. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

To all participants

Participants will be able to attend the conference online and will not be able to watch it in real time.

We are planning to arrange for the video data of the conference to be made available to the participants at a later date. In addition to the sessions held at the Noh theatre on the first day (April 4) and the second day (April 5), we plan to upload the video data of the general presentations held at the second venue on the third day (April 6).