
Anesthesiologist-in-Chief, Saitama Children's Medical Center
Saitama, Japan

Welcome message to ASPA-JSPA joint meeting in 2020
-- Facilitate the friendship and creating the new future together for Asian children --

Dear colleagues and friends,

 I am honored and excited to welcome you to ASPA-JSPA joint meeting in 2020.

 Safe anesthesia and surgical care are not available when needed for 5 billion of the world’s 7 billion people. There are major deficiencies in the specialist surgical workforce in many parts of the world, especially in Asian region. Children are not small adults and special attention should be warranted to provide safe anesthesia care for children. Because of lack of specialist anesthesia providers, safe anesthesia for small children is often compromised in some remote area. Pediatric anesthesia providers in Asia should work together and play a major role to achieve the universal coverage of safe pediatric anesthesia all over the Asia.

 I very much look forward to having an active exchange and discussions among participants regarding difficulties and challenges of safe pediatric anesthesia in Asia. I also think it will be a wonderful opportunity to have pediatric anesthesia providers gathered together and share the idea or experiences for better patient care. The friendships formed outside of meeting rooms are the basis of the important network which will make great contribution for improvement of pediatric anesthesia in Asia. I believe participants can also enjoy the famous hospitality of Japan and visit famous tourist attraction sites.

 Looking forward to seeing you all in Sendai!


Copyright © The 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology