Session Title: Hands-on Training Session E: CHARMM-GUI/GENESIS MD Tutorial

Session Summary:
In this session, we discuss the latest research on computational biophysics using multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations. To carry out such simulations, careful modeling and extensive simulations are necessary. Hands-on tutorials of molecular modeling (with CHARMM-GUI) and molecular dynamics simulations (with GENESIS) are held in an educational workshop, "CHARMM-GUI/GENESIS MD workshop," held in Kobe after IUPAB2024 from June 30 to July 2.

  • Yuji Sugita
  • (RIKEN)
  • Wonpil Im
  • (Lehigh University)
  • Chen Song
  • (Peking University)
  • Kwangho Nam
  • (University of Texas Arlington)
  • Song-ho Chong
  • (Kumamoto University)
  • Giovanni Brandani
  • (Kyoto University)
  • Helmut Grubmuller
  • (Max Planck Institute for Immunobioloy and Epigenetics)