Session Title: Bacterial/Archaeal Supermolecular Assembly

Session Summary:Bacteria and archaea are prokaryotic organisms that have the most diversity and abundance of life on Earth. Despite being single-celled, they form supramolecular assemblies such as flagella and pili, and achieve advanced biological functions such as cell motility, adhesion, and energy conversion. In this session, we will introduce the latest research results on the structure, function, formation, and regulation mechanisms of supramolecular assemblies in prokaryotes, as well as their evolution and applications.

  • Daisuke Nakane
  • (The University of Electro-Communications)
  • Isil Tulum
  • (Istanbul University)
  • Eli Cohen
  • (Imperial College London)
  • Shingo Kato
  • Annegret Wilde
  • (University of Freiburg)